Electronic reporting


Why a QRCode?

When a single owner has multiple electronic reporting devices, there is a significant risk that they will mix up the unique identifiers of their different tags. And the consequences can

register its identification tag on AlphaTango?

How to register your Remote ID on AlphaTango ?

Pour enregistrer son dispositif de signalement électronique, il suffit de se rendre sur le site AlphaTango puis sur la page de l’aéronef en question. Suivez le guide! Une fois connecté à

New products

SD20B mounting system for DJI and Yunnec

We offer a new mounting system for our SD20B electronic signalling module with stand-alone battery. The latter, in plastic, is sold as an option. It will allow you to easily

Article HelicoMicro.com
Press review

HelicoMicro.com: Remote electronic signaling

Helicomicro.com, a reference and information site on drones has just published a practical article on remote electronic reporting of unmanned aircraft including drones, in which he interviewed us to go


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