Trichogramma release system for T-Drop drone

From 1.200,00 Excl. TAX

The T-DROP is an aerial system fordropping trichogramma beads by dronedesigned and manufactured in France.
Its ingenious design facilitates the work of the telepilot thanks to its large release capacity, high performance and feedback. Discover its main features:

  • 2 possible tank sizes 5 liters or 8 liters, compatible with the same system.
  • Double filling hatch for easy and quick refilling of the tanks.
  • Rain resistance for easy flying in wet weather conditions. (requires a rainproof drone as well)
  • Compatibility with the different models of trichogramma beads (starch or cellulose of 25 mm max).
  • Anti-lock ball control to prevent system jamming.
  • Visual (flashing LEDs) and electronic (feedback) control of bead release via infrared cell.
  • Built-in digital display with double counter: requested logs and actually passed logs.
  • ON/OFF arming system to block/unblock the release during flight.
  • Empty bin detection and alert.
  • Easy reporting with Mission Planer feedback (drop point, log count and flight route).

The T-DROP system is available for sale with 2 sizes of trichogramma beads tanks, 5 liters or 8 liters. You can consult our correspondence tablebelow to get an estimate of the capacities of each tank.

SKU: TDROP Category:

Operation of the T-DROP spreader

T-DROP concentrates the know-how of experienced remote pilots and experts in agricultural crop protection. It has been designed to facilitate the work of remote pilots at all stages, before, during and after the flight phases. To operate our drop system, you just have to fix it to the drone thanks to different fixing points and then connect it to the drone, to power it (5v) and command the drop. To benefit from all the features of the T-DROP (feedback and arming system) you can also connect 2 additional sockets.

Integrated communication modules

Trichogramma spraying missions by drone require strong flying skills, but not only. The remote pilot must be able to precisely control the release of the trichogramma beads for an effective treatment of the plots. For this purpose, the T-DROP is equipped with communication, visual and electronic modules. A LED light allows to check the release of the balls (flashing) or to indicate when the container is empty (continuous light). Secondly, the T-DROP is equipped with counters to check the difference between the balls requested and the balls actually dropped. Finally, the T-DROP provides information to the remote pilot in real time thanks to the on-board electronics (release points, flight path, number of balls released…) facilitating post-flight reporting.

Careful manufacturing and easy repairability

T-DROP benefits from Skyinnov’s know-how in electronic systems design and aircraft piloting. Thus, the equipment has been assembled in France in quality materials rigorously selected to meet the constraints of repeated flights. The assembly has also been thought to facilitate the reparability from spare parts easily available on demand. Thus, the T-DROP system will meet the requirements of remote pilots looking for a reliable and efficient trichogramme application system.

Drone Trichogramma Spreader

Correspondence table

The T-DROP tank is available in 2 different capacities, 5 or 8 liters. The table below provides indicative data on the spreading capacities for each tank and the type of beads used.

T-DROP empty weight Weight with cellulose balls Weight with starch balls
5 Liters 630 gr 1100 gr (700 logs, 7 Ha) 1700 gr (500 logs, 5 Ha)
8 Liters 730 gr 1550 gr (1200 logs, 12 Ha) 2500 gr (800 logs, 8 Ha)

Technical specifications

– Weight: 5 liters: 630 g / 8 liters: 730 g
– Dimensions: 5 liters: 405x200x148mm / 8 liters: 485x210x185mm
– Power supply: 5V / 2A
– Control: via PWM or Relay (I/0)
– Materials: Nylon, Carbon, LLDPE


  • Which drones is the T-DROP compatible with?
    The spreader requires at least a 5v power supply and an available output to control the release. You will also be able to control the arming system with an additional output, and an input for feedback.
    If your drone does not offer such outputs, you can use our T-Box system which will make your spreader completely autonomous and compatible with all drones on the market capable of carrying it, including DJI, YUNEEC
    Your drone must have the capacity and size to carry the trichogramma spreaders. See the manual for more details.
  • How to install the T-DROP on my drone?
    The T-DROP tank is equipped with multiple mounting points for easy installation (mounting plan provided). After the physical installation, the T-DROP power supply (5v) and the various control cables must be connected. Finally, you will have to configure the control parameters on your drone. See installation instructions.
  • Do you offer an installation service?
    Skyinnov can provide you with installation assistance on a case by case basis. You can contact us before purchasing if you need more information.
  • Which Trichogramma beads are compatible with T-DROP?
    Our system accepts starch and cellulose trichogramma beads up to a diameter of 25 mm. (e.g. AMW, bioline…).
  • What is the tank capacity of the T-DROP?
    The T-DROP is equipped with two interchangeable and compatible tanks, one of 5 liters and the other of 8 liters.
    See the table of correspondence to see the area covered by type of logs.
  • What information is provided by the T-DROP to the remote pilot?
    The T-DROP is equipped with a digital display with 2 different counters: number of balls requested and number of balls actually dropped. The correspondence between the 2 counters allow to control that the balls were effectively released or not (empty tank…). The T-DROP is also equipped with LEDs for easy remote visual control. (the LED lights up at each bead release). If you have chosen to connect the feedback system, you will get the drop information directly from your ground station.
  • How do I know when the tank is empty?
    When the logs are no longer passing through the spreader, the LEDs remain permanently lit to inform you. (empty spreader, blockage…). If you use the feedback, you will also see it directly on your ground station.
  • Does the T-DROP allow flights in the rain?
    The whole system has been designed to allow flights in the rain, provided that your drone is also able to do so. The T-DROP allows you to maintain your flight program despite difficult weather conditions.
  • What to do if a part breaks?
    The T-DROP system has been designed to be easily repairable. All parts are easily replaceable and available for after-sales service, upon request by email to
  • Where is T-DROP made?
    The T-DROP is designed, programmed and assembled by hand in Skyinnov’s workshops in France. Each model is tested before shipping.

Would you like more information or a quote on our drone sprayer?

Please fill out the form below. We will answer you within 48h max.